Homo Florensis is usually referred to as hobbits only because of their size. There are many theories and thoughts about the hobbits. In fact, some scientists think they were gnome-sized modern humans with a disease called microcephary which make the head and brain smaller. Although, once careful studies were operated on the only skeleton found, no sign of sickness or anything found.
Another theory is that Homo Florensis evolved from Homo Erectus and were affected by island dwarfism, a disease on some islands because of lack of waters/foods, but as mentioned before, no illness was found.
There were lots of strange things that were discovered about this dwarf sized human specie, such as; they are as tall as an average modern 4 year old today. Considering the fact they were as tall as a modern 4 year old, they were 4 times stronger than a mature modern human. Also, they had small brains, but strangely, they created quite effective and complex tools, some of those tools were implements fro digging and butchering their prey and stone points to fix wooden spears.
Hobbits were very short, who had long and flat feet, their chin and cheeks were very stuck out, their wrists were arranged more like an ape's rather than a modern human, and they were very strong!
We, modern humans, don't know a lot about this human specie, in fact, they were only recently discovered and only one was found. According to some historians, the Homo Florensis human specie lived from 38,000 years ago until 18,000 or 12,000 years ago, although that isn't for sure. We need to find more skeletons/bones of this specie to know more about it, otherwise we will stay with the same amount of information about them we have today forever.
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