Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Was Caesar a Reformer or a Tyrant?

In my opinion, Julius Caesar was, in fact, a reformer. As he was a great leader, he ended the ruling of the dishonest, and corrupt nobles. Caesar upheld justice, which means he was fair. He restored the cities and aided the poor, and homeless. On top of that he also granted more citizenship and brought peace to Rome. Many people might say that he enjoyed the attention, the fame, and the power, but in my opinion, Julius Caesar was a motivation to people, and an admirable one. Everyone should always have a reason to do something. Even if Caesar's motive was definitely not selfless, his actions were for the good for many, and he was respected and appreciated him by most of the people of ancient Rome. By the end, when he was murdered by the senators of Rome themselves, a civil war started in Rome, which proves that he was the great leader, and reformer, of Rome.

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