Monday, January 17, 2011

Why was Catal Huyuk an important archeological find?

Catal Huyuk was one of the biggest settlements in the world at that time. And by studying it archeologists could find out a lot about the life of earlier humans in one of the first big settlements in the world what there living standards were like and how an average person lived. Through this one city historians and archeologists already found out that the people of Catal Huyuk mostly farmed, they also know the people traded there surplus and made hunting weapons and tools out of obsidian. Catal Huyuk was different than we would think of it there were no roads but everybody walked on each others roof you entered the house through the hole on the roof, to historians and archeologists revealed a lot about the peoples culture and thinking. Catal Huyuk is also very important because through out this we can see how most of the people in this region lived and worked and what the design was of most nearby settlements.

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